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发布日期:2025-01-04 17:20    点击次数:124
上海嘉定星尚·观澜世嘉售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】(来电尊享优惠活动)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.星尚·观澜世嘉售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,售楼处地址,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)建面约103-123㎡3-4房Building area of approximately 103-123 square meters, 3-4 rooms均价4.52万元The average price is 45200 yuan 效果示意图,仅供参考01“嘉定老城+嘉定新城”双核C位!在地段上已经胜过众多新盘!"Jiading Old City+Jiading New City" dual core C-position! It has already surpassed many new developments in terms of location! 效果示意图,仅供参考居住于此,在新与旧,过去和未来之间,享受到前所未有的新城生活体验,尽享宜居、宜业和宜游的绝佳环境。更重要的是,居住于「观澜世嘉」,还可享受高能级全维度的商业、教育、医疗和生态资源。Living here, between the old and the new, the past and the future, one can enjoy an unprecedented experience of new city life, and fully enjoy the excellent environment that is livable, suitable for business, and suitable for tourism.More importantly, residing in Guanlan Sega allows one to enjoy high-energy, comprehensive commercial, educational, medical, and ecological resources. 区位效果示意图,仅供参考商业方面:周边商业氛围浓郁,项目直线距离在建中的砂之船奥特莱斯仅约1.5公里。周边3公里范围内,还有诸如嘉定宝龙广场、百联嘉定购物中心、大润发、罗宾森广场、西云楼等大型商场,购物、美食、娱乐一站式服务,应有尽有。In terms of business:The surrounding commercial atmosphere is strong, and the project is only about 1.5 kilometers away from the under construction Sand Ship Outlet in a straight line.Within a 3-kilometer radius, there are also large shopping malls such as Jiading Baolong Plaza, Bailian Jiading Shopping Center, RT Mart, Robinson Plaza, and Xiyun Building, providing one-stop shopping, food, and entertainment services, offering everything. 效果示意图,仅供参考医疗方面:项目周边能够享受到极其方便的医疗服务,包括三甲医院-瑞金医院北院、上海肿瘤(质子)中心及配套医院、瑞金医院北院二期,以及正在建设中的中医医院嘉定新院。无论是需要紧急就医还是定期体检,都将为业主提供最高水准的医疗保障。Medical aspect:The surrounding areas of the project can enjoy extremely convenient medical services, including a tertiary hospital - Ruijin Hospital North Hospital, Shanghai Cancer (Proton) Center and supporting hospitals, Ruijin Hospital North Hospital Phase II, and the under construction traditional Chinese medicine hospital Jiading New Hospital.Whether it is urgent medical treatment or regular physical examinations, we will provide the highest level of medical security for homeowners. 效果示意图,仅供参考教育方面:在项目周围3公里的范围内,优质学府林立。其中距离项目约2.8公里的上海民办华曜嘉定初级中学(原名上海民办华二初级中学),是教育部直属的重点中学,由华东师范大学第二附属中学承办。(新房不承诺学区,具体以政府公示为准) 效果示意图,仅供参考休闲方面:嘉定千米一湖、百米一林,宜居的生态环境已经深入人心。项目近邻远香湖CAZ,远香湖、保利大剧院、嘉定图书馆都在1.5公里范围以内,未来这里还将建设文化环、未来塔、活力谷等城市“新三件套”。 效果示意图,仅供参考如此丰富的生活配套,在同价位段的新房中,显然很难再找到了!02环境方面,项目双面环水,拥有得天独厚的优势,也为项目提供了舒适的居住环境和气氛。 效果示意图,仅供参考同时,项目西侧是一块教育用地,目前正在建设;项目东侧将打造一个规模约7000㎡的社区配套商业和邻里中心,不仅服务于居民,更能有效地隔绝来自主干道沪宜公路的噪音干扰。项目不仅考虑到了开放社区的需求,也满足了私密环境的要求,为居民打造了一个完美舒适的生活空间。 效果示意图,仅供参考观澜世嘉外立面采用时尚现代主义风格,色彩温和、线条简练,呈现高品质社区现代化和艺术气质。建筑用材兼顾高品质成熟工艺和节能环保,采用品质真石漆和精致金属型材,强调墙面附着力和耐久性能的同时,也将成为未来靓丽的风景线和业主身份的象征。 效果示意图,仅供参考当您步入社区内部,会立刻被采用的经典中轴对称设计手法所吸引。三进式院落归家结合社区中心绿化和景观组团,整体设计融合了尊贵礼序,呈现出独特的魅力。 效果示意图,仅供参考在园林方面,项目以“一轴·一心·四园”为景观设计理念,致力打造一个有品质感 、自然感、艺术感的沉浸美学体验社区。中央花园和健康静谧的组团花园,打造一个充满运动活力和健康生活的公园式社区! 效果示意图,仅供参考03全社区无小户型!首推建面约103-129㎡大宽厅精装3-4房!整个「观澜世嘉」的房源产品,最小户型面积在约103㎡,完全没有小户型的存在!从而打造了一个整体圈层高度统一的居住环境,可以为业主带来更优越的生活空间和更改善的居住体验!建面约103㎡大横厅3房和建面约123㎡大横厅4房。建面约103㎡户型 3房2厅2卫这个户型以动静分离的设计动线,将卧室和客厅餐厅分隔开来。主卧套房宽敞明亮,还有一个尺度足够的步入式衣帽间和一个飘窗,次卧同样有一个大面积的飘窗。客厅餐厅的面宽达到约5.3米,整个房子通风采光效果和通透性非常出色。 样板间实景图: 建面约123㎡户型 4房2厅2卫该户型客厅面宽长达6.3米,可转化为多功能空间。户型采用动静分离设计,三个卧室和一个书房均设有大面积飘窗,增强了空间感和利用率。厨房操作空间大,次卫采用干湿分离设计,更实用。Building area of approximately 123 square meters, unit type: 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 bathroomsThe living room of this unit has a width of up to 6.3 meters and can be converted into a multifunctional space. The layout adopts a dynamic and static separation design, with three bedrooms and one study all equipped with large bay windows, enhancing the sense of space and utilization. The kitchen has a large operating space, and the second bathroom adopts a dry wet separation design, which is more practical. 样板间实景图: 另:项目还有建面约107㎡3房和建面约129㎡4房产品,预计后续入市;建面约107㎡户型 3房2厅2卫建面约107㎡整体布局与B户型基本一致,最明显的感觉是在尺度上进行了升级。比如横厅,由约5.3米升级至约5.5米,当然阳台和其他功能间也进行了相应的尺度升级。In addition, the project also includes 3-bedroom products with a building area of approximately 107 square meters and 4-bedroom products with a building area of approximately 129 square meters, which are expected to enter the market in the future;The overall layout of the three bedroom, two living room, and two bathroom units with a building area of approximately 107 square meters is basically consistent with that of the B unit, and the most obvious feeling is that they have been upgraded in terms of scale. For example, the horizontal hall has been upgraded from about 5.3 meters to about 5.5 meters, and of course, the balcony and other functional areas have also been upgraded accordingly. 建面约129㎡户型 4房2厅2卫该户型南北通风良好,南向客厅宽约4.1米,南向有四个的开间,采光、通风和尺度感都非常出色。卧室和客厅都有大面积飘窗,餐厅也设计了飘窗,增强了空间感和利用率。主卧套房、全卧飘窗和干湿分离卫浴间的规划提高了空间的灵活性。The unit has a floor area of approximately 129 square meters, consisting of 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, and 2 bathrooms. It has good ventilation from north to south, with a living room width of about 4.1 meters facing south and four bays facing south. The lighting, ventilation, and sense of scale are all excellent. Both the bedroom and living room have large bay windows, and the restaurant has also designed bay windows to enhance the sense of space and utilization. The planning of the master bedroom suite, full bedroom bay windows, and wet dry separation bathroom has increased the flexibility of the space. “嘉定老城+嘉定新城”双核C位国企匠筑高品质滨水住区「观澜世嘉」建面约103㎡3房和建面约123㎡4房均价4.52w元/㎡"Jiading Old City+Jiading New City" dual core C-site state-owned enterprise craftsmanship building high-quality waterfront residential area "Guanlan Shijia" with a building area of about 103 square meters, 3 rooms and a building area of about 123 square meters, 4 rooms, with an average price of 4.52 million yuan/square meter上海嘉定星尚·观澜世嘉售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】(来电尊享优惠活动)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.星尚·观澜世嘉售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,售楼处地址,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)

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